We offer the following shipping services within the United States:
Free ground shipping on all orders over $50
Expedited shipping, delivery in 3-4 business days*
Ground shipping, delivery in 5-7 business days*
When you place an order with us, we’ll send you a confirmation email summarizing your order. When your order ships, we’ll send you a shipment confirmation email with tracking information for your order. After you place your order, please allow for 24-48 hours to receive your shipment confirmation.
Your order’s tracking number may take another 24 hours to activate. You can also track your orders via the My Account feature. If you’ve made a purchase before, you were automatically given an account. If you’ve never logged into your account, you will need to reset your password in order to access it.
*Please note: orders placed after 12:00 pm (EST) will ship on the next business day. Order processing and delivery times may vary. At this time we do not offer international shipping.
If you have questions about our return policy or the shipping services that we offer, please email [email protected].